Customer and the best restaurants connection point
Ionic (Angular)
© 2020

We used Jira for project task management, Atlassian Confluence for requirement and code documentation. The project is based on Laravel & MySql, Administration panel is using Javascript and VueJs and for Mobile Apps we used Ionic (Angular with Cordova).

Food-Ordering Marketplace
MealNow is an online and mobile food-ordering and marketplace with a large and most comprehensive network of restaurant partners.
A technology company that connects customers with the best restaurants in their cities.
See a world where anyone can turn their passion into a profitable business — regardless of resources. Owners will have tools that help them become more efficient, which will allow them to make the best lives for themselves and the best food imaginable.
Our purpose sits at the heart of everything we do and that’s to make food discovery exciting for everyone, whether it’s by giving our customers more choice than anywhere else, or by supporting our restaurant partners to get more out of their business and raise standards across the industry.
The best online ordering platform for local restaurants, create a set of services to grow restaurant sales, and produce a membership program that connects consumers to local family-owned restaurants.

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